Monday, November 29, 2010

Brrrrrr and Mmmmm

 Sunday 4.30 pm Brooklyn Heights Promenade , 15 mins walk from home , its my new favorite spot to watch the sun set over the Hudson River and Manhattan . Far left , the Brooklyn  Bridge.

Do our shadows get this long in NZ ?

Kirsty at Lomzyuianka , even the non Polish speaking locals can't pronounce the name , one  old Italian lady we spoke to  thinks" They just got a whole lot of letters together and threw them up in the air."

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Look at the colours

Sunday in Central Park

NZ Achillies Team NYC Marathon

This year there where 7 Achilles athletes , these competitors all have a range of physical disabilities, blind , deaf , spina bifida , leg amputee and  paraplegic .
Due to Kirsty's studies and through our friend Giarna who has been fund raising for them in NY for the past 6 years, we became a part of the gang that drank in the bar and traipsed with them through the city , taking in the sights , smells and sounds.
Almost from the start we became friends with Fleur and Nick Hansby from Blenhim .
Fleur  has been in a wheelchair for the past 4 years  after whacking into the back of a bus that had suddenly stopped in the middle of the road on her push bike, an accident that has left her a paralised from the chest down . Her whole life she has been a serious sports woman, now she travels fast and close to the ground on her custom made hand cranked bike. Nick her fantastic vet husband is there with her 100 % a keen and lean sportsman him self , he pours a mean whiskey.
We took up their invitation to sleep on the fold out sofa in their hotel suite at the Waldorf Astoria on the night of the race ,  by then Fleur and Nick had become part of one of Kirsty's school projects and along  with them had to get up  at 4 am on the morning of the race to get ready to get to the start .
Kirsty started the race , made it over the first bridge , then spent the rest of the day jumping on and off the trains that the route followed photographing the race along the way , I wandered down the road from home and cheered on the side lines , it was a fun day.
And topping the whole day off Fleur Came 4th in
her category !!!!!!!
Kirsty on the track 12 mile mark , arms in the air.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A sunny autumn day.

Bryant Park , see our sept page"We love Bryant Park" has been transformed in to an ice skating rink surrounded by a sea of blue astro turf and tiny Christmas gift kiosks no bigger than your average kids bedroom, rentals starting at $25 k for 2 months .

Some times you look up and there you are on the corner of 5th av and 42nd st looking up at the Chrysler Building distance.                 
Later on you look down from the top of the Rockefeller Center and there is Central Park in all its autumnal glory, yes it does take your breath away.