Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bella Brooklyn

Since late last year I have been taking screen printing and weaving classes at the Textile Arts Center in Brooklyn , a 20 min walk from home.
The Center is fantastic , they have such good facilities and equipment all for Textile Arts.
We work in a beautifully purpose designed  sunny studio, with great tutors and staff all passionate about textiles. As you can imagine I'm in my element.
I met an an artist there recently who does great work with rubber bands and suggested she enter The World of Wearable Art in NZ, and she has , look out for Margarita Mileva .
Mean time my weaving progresses. I now have a new camera a Canon G12 and process my pics using Lightroom , so pics are clearer and colours more dynamic
Little zig zag details
Endless choices for colours
Before the big snip
My next length of fabric will be yellow , blue  and white.