Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bedford Ave Brooklyn - Hasidic Jewish Community

We wondered down Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn Yesterday and discovered the Hasidic Jewish community enjoying an after school Side Show Fair

They have large families , 6 kids seems to be an average. In a very average working class area.

This boy won himself 2 goldfish.

The kids in each family wear a kind of matching uniform. The mothers are dressed plainly in fact drably while the fathers all wear the traditional costume. They all stick closely together.

Men buying leaves  as part of the Sukkot harvest festival - apparently they whack them on the ground for forgiveness of their sins.


  1. Hi viv and Kirsty, thanks for birthday wishes Viv and for intro to your blog which I am loving - great photos and eveyrthing - it looks amazing there, do you spend most of your time out and about looking? do you get tired? wish i could come and look too xx sally ps don't know why the computer thinks I'm frank, some funny google thing

  2. Wow some very strong images there - a world away. Your work & talent is really shining.
