Friday, September 10, 2010

Dusk at Coney Island

After the crowds and the heat at the West Indian parade it was a relief to jump on a train and head out to the east coast at Coney Island.
We wandered along the dirty dusty beach and soothed our feet in the cool ever so slightly rubbishy sea , the beach was populated with families and friends catching the the last rays of the Labor day sun , officially the last day of summer.
 Muscle men practiced calisthenics on the work out bars , a lone treasure hunter made his final swoop of the beach.
There was karaoke mixed with the screaming of delighted fun park riders in the air and our  view from the top of  "Wonder Wheel" was magic.

1 comment:

  1. I love these photos Kirsty & great blog Viv. Keep it up! Miss you awlreadeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee X
