Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labour Day

The air vibrated with music, people in colourful costumes swayed like strutting peacocks along the path of the parade.
Even NYC's finest joined in.
A clipping from CBS news — They were literally dancing in the streets of Brooklyn once again this Labor Day. The annual West Indian American Day Parade went ahead in perfect late summer weather.
It was the 43rd year for the event–which stretched along Eastern Parkway from Rochester Avenue to the Brooklyn Museum.
Nearly three million people were in attendance.
It was a holiday twice over for New Yorkers and others with ties to the Caribbean, as the marchers and musicians stepped off at 11 a.m for the parade — one of the largest in the city.
The event was modeled on traditional pre-Lenten Carnival festivities. It generally features elaborate costumes, miles of food stalls, reggae beats, colorful floats — and plenty of politicians kicking off the fall campaign season.

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